I Need Some Writing Help!

Well, it’s actually revising help, but…

I have a very big essay due on Thursday. It’s a scientific research paper on a research question we got to choose. My prompt is Do ice baths heal sore muscles? I’ve written it and am into the final stages of revising, and I’m not really sure about some parts of it. I feel like it can be better. And you know when you’ve been working on a piece for a long time, and it gets really hard to look at the big picture? That’s what’s happened to me. Then, a few hours ago I had a brilliant thought:

Hey! I bet I know who could help me! All my WordPress friends! They all like to write, and they’re really good writers, maybe they would have some advice!

So here’s what I’m asking: Would you mind giving my paper a read and then giving me feedback in the comments section? Like I said, it’s a science research paper, but I’ve done my best to make it interesting, and it’s not a very difficult topic to understand.

Thanks a million! Continue reading